WeWatch understands your business imperatives and therefore offers a portfolio of services which provides a strategic approach to each client’s individual requirements and imports the knowledge and experience to implement robust safety and security solutions.
Backed by a team of experienced professionals, our safety and security management services meet the needs of all types and sizes of clients.
WeWatch helps clients not only reach but exceed their goals. Our experience helps us deliver a strategy that perfectly fits our clients. This collaboration is essential for the successful transition from strategy, to plan, to action.
WeWatch exists to solve the critical safety and security issues facing our clients, both large and small. Our unique approach is not only what differentiates us, but also what makes us successful. We provide a broad range of services and solutions to help organisations achieve their vision and optimise performance and productivity across their events and projects.
Quality, Health, Safety, Security and Environment (QHSSE) Integrated Management
WeWatch is committed to conducting safety and security management operations in a manner that safeguards people, property, facilities, communities and the environment.
Through our integrated QHSSE management system, WeWatch delivers planning support and guidance to meet health, safety and environmental legal requirements and directives for your project or event. Our integrated QHSSE management system operates in accordance with the following ISO standards – ISO 9001 Quality Assurance, ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety, ISO 14001 Environmental Management, ISO 31000 Risk Management and ISO 18788 Private Security Operations.
All identified risks are planned, actioned and reviewed in accordance with the ISO 31000 Risk Management standard, the foundation for all our risk management strategies.
Event and Exhibition Solutions
WeWatch understands these business imperatives and therefore offer a portfolio consulting services which provide a strategic approach to each client’s individual requirements and impart the knowledge and experience to implement safety and security solutions, that also include our crowd and traffic management expertise. Our team will support client projects from the design and build phase, through to event operations and closing out the breakdown.
Through our integrated safety and security management systems, coupled with technology in the form of our WeWatch QHSSE App, your event is in trusted and safe hands, giving you the peace of mind you desire.
Our QHSSE app has been designed in consultation with our key client requirements, enabling clients to monitor their daily business operations safely, confidently and productively.
Quality, Health & Safety and Security & Risk Auditing and Reviews
In line with our accredited ISO standards, WeWatch conducts regular independent internal and external quality, health & safety and security & risk audits, which are an effective tool in supporting management policies and controls by providing information to our clients who can then act to improve their business operating standards. WeWatch can support clients in providing audit programme objectives. All audits are planned and conducted in accordance with the ISO 19011 Auditing Standards.
Security audits can be conducted to examine the effectiveness, or otherwise, of a client’s current security measures. An audit report can be provided to advise the client or company of any improvements or further measures that can be taken to enhance their security.
Security risk is a compromise between “Threat and Safety”. Our security focused audit, together with the client liaison, will establish the level of security required. WeWatch will only provide specialist security once a security assessment has been undertaken.
Our information is gathered from unequalled sources only to us. Threats can range from simple over keen public interest, through obsessive stalkers, kidnap of family members, to a direct attempt against the client’s personal safety and terrorism.
VIP Close Protection and Residential Security Teams
Business executives, high-net worth families and VIPs are vulnerable to the emerging global threats to business and everyday life, specifically kidnapping, which is used by organised criminal and terrorist groups for political or financial gain, or even personal revenge.
We have the capability to support a wide range of clients, events, government bodies, business enterprises, and individuals from petrochemical multinationals and financial institutions operating in high-risk areas to smaller companies or lone travelling executives exploring opportunities in unknown and possibly hostile environments.
Our highly trained professionals will work with you to ensure that your company’s security operation remains in line with its overall business strategy. From an ongoing corporate strategic security operation to a one-off close protection assignment, our services are comprehensive.
WeWatch can provide residential security teams to protect a client’s residence or business interests. The residential team on a short or long-term basis can enhance physical and electronic security measures. If clients are residing in hotels, the teams will work in conjunction with the hotel manager and hotel security. This provides the best security cover with the least possible inconvenience.
Let’s work together on safeguarding the most game-changing experiences.